How many of you feel pity about Little Voice? How many of you try to do something for them? Live in the moment, the moment is now! Try to do something to Share not for myself only.
This is Amy from Taichung, Taiwan.I want to share what I have with people around the world but didn't know how.And now I am working on a project to share my experience of student life in Feng Chia University, because most of the people on wheelchairs give up their educations and I hope to do something to encourage them to continue their education.
I am not sure what the outcome of my project will be but I am doing my best.
Project 1.
-place:FCU (Feng Chia University)
-numbers:Amy... (maybe more ... if anyone would like to collect more informations of other universities and share with me. PLZ e-mail to d8549246@mail2000.com.tw)
-goal:freedom from the known.I hope people have a chance to know and try to find their way for life.I would like to share this with people who need around the world.So... I am going to edit the blog in both English and Chinese.
I think 'share' is the most beautiful verb around the world.
-opinions:Most of time people think they are the only one to have tough time. well... we can see what we don't have or what we are having now. It depends your attitudes. Different attitudes lead to different future.right? If you agree with this, then think of WHAT YOU WANT!
-my story:I had an unsucceful sugry in my back and hurt my nervous system. That's why I have to go on my life with wheelchair. I learn something from it and know a lot from people's attutides.
blessings :)
在台灣,很多脊髓損傷人士在受傷之後沒有繼續升學,當我了解到這一點我覺得自己是個非常幸運的女孩子,所以... 我希望能分享我的經驗、我的想法....對Amy而言,[分享]是世界上最美麗的動詞,最無求的付出與最真實的歡喜。
這個世界上每個角落有著不同的現象,每個人有著不同的問題,往往我們羨慕別人表面的幸福,其實.... 每‧一‧個‧人都有個缺口,有個缺陷卻完美的人生,那個缺陷是一個缺口,是一個路口... 讓人超越自己實現夢想與克服生命公克所不能缺少的一個入口,如果你願意...滿滿走向它.. 走近它... 走入它... 你會看到另一翻風景,屬於你所能 也只有你能體會與感動的人生風華,柳暗花明又一村,或許它不是世外桃源,但它可以為你帶來一個不同的是也與心境。
Enjoy your life! 享受人生,享受生活,享受美分每秒的存在與體驗,我正在享受[分享]的喜悅!
ps:把參與者的照片與個人相關想法、意見發表在另一個部落格上,如果參與者的人數一直再增加那表示這個專題的影響力正在擴張,分享的人與地方會越來越廣,不只是侷限於台灣本身而是任何需要的每個角落! 讓愛傳出去.... :)